Batismos de escravos, livres e forros, 1860-1872

The volume records baptisms of enslaved, freed (forro), and free individuals that took place between 27 Dec 1860 and 03 Nov 1872 in the Church of Nossa Senhora da Assunção de Cabo Frio, RJ. The opening and closing charters were signed by Francisco Antonio de Soares on 27 Sep 1860. The entries were signed by Pastor José Francisco Marques. Some baptisms from previous years (1833, 1847, 1841), recorded by order of the vicar of the ecclesiastical jurisdication, appear. Some entries refer to African origins; others note "alforrias de pia"--manumissions at the baptismal font. There are baptisms of children abandoned at the charity house (expostos da casa de caridade); some entries refer to natives of the indigenous community, São Pedro da Aldeia. Physical characteristics: The volume has 302 well-conserved folios. It has a cover. Dimensions: 44cm x 32cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.