Batismos Escravos, Forros e Livres, 1792-1821

This volume contains baptismal records of enslaved, freed (forro), and free people registered in the Church of São Sebastião de Itaipu, Niterói-RJ. Entries date from 01 Apr 1792 to 18 Nov 1821. The opening charter was signed by Reverend Manoel da Graça Souza on 20 Jun 1792, while the closing charter was signed by Manoel (?) in 1795. Entries were signed by the following clergy: José Pereira de Almeida; Feliciano José Dias de Almeida; and Manoel Roiz Gomes. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 135 numbered folios. It has a severely-damaged cover; the folios have been damaged by insects and ink. Dimensions: 32cm X 22cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.