Óbitos, 1872-1875

The volume records burials of children born to enslaved mothers after the passage of Law 2.040 of 1871, the "Free Womb Law," registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora do Amparo de Maricá, Maricá-RJ. Entries date from 06 Nov 1871 to 15 May 1875.The opening charter was signed by the "Superior Official of the Secretary of the Government of the Province of Rio de Janeiro," Antonio André Lins, on 01 May 1872. Sebastião de Azevedo Araujo e Gama signed the entries. The declaration "came as a guide of the inspector" ("veio como guia do inspector") frequently appears. In some entries, the cause of death--frequently, "fevers"--appears. There is a burial record of a child of a slave belonging to one Father Manoel Joaquim de Azevedo Farias. On folio 16, an enslaved woman "should go to the square to pay debts to the fazenda" ("deve ir a praça para pagamento de dívidas da fazenda"). Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 29 numbered folios. It has no cover and is incomplete, but the folios are generally well-preserved. Dimensions: 31.5cm x 21cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.