Óbitos de Forros e Livres, 1862-1865

The volume contains burial records of freed (forro) and free individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Niterói (Nictheroy) between 07 Oct 1862 and 29 Dec 1865. It has no opening charter; Augusto Francisco Calvaro signed the closing charter on 30 Oct 1862. Vicar Antonio de Mello Muniz Mai signed all entries. Among others, the volume records the burials of Captain José Joaquim Gonçalves de Siqueira (folio 1) and Ensign José Geraldo Gomes; soldiers of the "Police corps of this city" and the "Batallion of Volunteers for the Country"'; natives (naturais) of Bahia, Minas, Porto Alegre, Campos, Macaé, Paraty; Portugal; and France; sharecroppers (agregados); and liberated Africans ("africanos livres"). African ethnonyms/"nations" mentioned: Quiçaman (Kisama?), Benguela e Cabinda. The majority of decedents were interred in the Maruhy Cemetery (Cemitéro do Maruhy). Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 96 numbered folios and a cover in good condition. Dimensions: 40.5cm X 27cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.