Óbitos de Forros e Livres, 1854-1862

This volume contains burial records of freed (forro) and free individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Niterói between 20 May 1854 and 06 Oct 1864. Interim Municipal Judge Sabino Francisco Frougeth signed the opening and closing charters on 09 Jan 1854; he also initialed the folios. The volume opens on folio 6. Due to their poor condition, it was not possible to photograph folios 6-11, 40-43, or 53-66 . Vicar Antonio de Mello Muniz Maia noted that on the authorization of the Bishop of the Chapel, he signed all entries left by his predecessor, Vicar Thomaz de Aquino. The volume includes some burials of free Africans (africanos livres), as well as of Portuguese, English, Spanish, and Italian individuals, among others. Burials of two unidentified men are documented on folios 32F and 48V. The burial of the free son of an enslaved woman appears on folio 139F. Among the burials documented in this volume were those of Brigadier Antonio Rodrigues Gabriel de Castro (17V), daughters of Lieutenant Colonel Augusto Francisco Caldas (18F e 18V), Lieutenant Colonel Manoel Alves d'Andrade (19V), the tutelada of Lieutenant Francisco de Virgem (25F), Captain Cipriano Francisco da Matta (36V), the servent of Major Ricardo Thompson (46V), the wife of Capitão de mar e guerra Pedro da Cunha (48F), the wife of Captain Manoel Fortunato de Moraes (49F), the son of the Division Chief Jesuino Lamego Costa (79F), the son of Capitão Mor Gabriel Alves Carneiro (84F), children of Captain Francisco Joaquim Barcellar (90F e 111F), Brigadier José da Costa Azevedo (104V), the daughter of Captain José Ignácio Coimbra (110V), Lieutenant Captain Joaquim José do Sacramento (111F), Lieutenant Colonel Libornio Jose de Almeida (122V), Lieutenant Colonel Manoel Rodrigues de Moura (131F), Lieutenant of the Police Corps (tenente do corpo policial) Manoel José Mendes de Lima (162F), Doctors (69V, 103V e 162V), and soldiers of the Police Corps (soldados do corpo policial) (80V e 143F). The following African "nations"/ethnonyms appear in the volume: Benguela, Mina, Moçambique (Mozambique), Culubur (Calabar?), Congo, Rebola, Guiné (Guinea), Cabinda, and Angola. The following clergy signed the entries: Coadjutor Francisco Manoel d'Alm.da Guim.es, Vicar Thomaz de Aquino, Vicar Antonio de Mello Muniz Maia, Commissioned Vicar Miguel Joaquim de Araújo, Pro Parocho Father José Joaquim da Silva, Coadjutor José Luiz d'Alm.da Martins. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 164 numbered folios with a cover. Many of the folios have been damaged by insects and ink; folios 81-164 are in better condition. Dimensions: 31cm X 21cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.