Óbitos de Livres e Forros, 1795-1854

This volume records burials of free whites and freed people of color (pretos forros) registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Icaraí (Carahy, Carii, Carahi). Entries date from 25 June 1795 to 24 January 1854. The opening charter was signed by Vicar José de Souza Azevedo Pizarro de Araujo and dated 14 November 1795; the priest noted that a book of burial records follows. Entries were signed by the following clergy: Vicar Joze Joaquim D'Avila, Vicar Joaquim de Santa Anna Lamego, Vicar Thomas de Aquino, and Coadjutor Francisco Manoel D'Almeida Guimarães. Some of the burial records of freed people of color note that their spouse was still enslaved. African nations and ethnonyms mentioned: Angola, Benguela. Physical characteristics: The volume has 386 numbered folios. Due to their poor condition and fragile state, it was not possible to photograph folios 322 through 328. Dimensions: 32cm x 22cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.