Casamentos de Escravos, Forros e Livres, 1754-1795

The volume contains marriage records of enslaved, freed (forro), and free individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Niterói-RJ between 19 Jul 1754 and 24 Feb 1795 (the last legible date). It has no opening charter; the closing charter was signed in Niterói on 25(?) Nov 1795 by Visitor Pizarro. Vicar João Bento Barros de Souza, Vicar Francisco da Silva Trancoso, Vicar José da Costa Lopes, and Coadjutor João Rebello de Mello Abreo signed the entries. In addition to marriage records, the volume documents pastoral visits on the following dates: 17 Oct 1758, 23 Nov 1767, 02 Apr 1770, and 14 Mar 1787. The petitioners include Portuguese individuals and well as individuals abandoned (exposed) as children. In addition to the mother church, marriages were celebrated in the Chapel of Santa Rosa, the Church of Nossa Senhora da Candelária in Rio de Janeiro (in which case the couple were natives of and baptized in the parish (freguesia) of São José, also in Rio de Janeiro. The following individuals appear as slave owners, among others: Doctor Antonio Tavares da Roza, Captain Domingos Nunes d'Ávila, Captain José Fernandes Souza, Captain Antonio Ferreira e Silva, and Sargeant João Dias Barboza. Captain José Pinto appears as the witness of a marriage between two enslaved individuals. African ethnonyms/"nations" mentioned: Angola, Benguella, Congo, Guiné (Guinea), Mina e Rebollo. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 142 numbered, sequential folios; however, the numbers are not always legible. The cover and binding were preserved, though many folios have holes or are torn or otherwise deteriorated due to components of the original ink. The records do not appear in chronological order. Due to their fragile condition, it was not possible to photograph the following folios: fl 10v - fl 14v; fl 27f - fl 40v; fl 66f- fl 70v; fl 83; fl 86; fl 102. Dimensions: 30cm x 21.5 cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.