Casamentos de Escravos, Forros e Livres, 1884-1886

This volume contains marriage records of free individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Niterói-RJ between 24 Jul 1884 and 09 Oct 1886. The opening charter was signed by Canon Luis Britto on 04 Jul 1884. Canon Vicar João Aureliano Correia dos Santos signed the closing charter on (?) Jul 1884; he initialed each folio as "J. Aureliano." The volume records the marriage of a Portuguese man with a freed (forra) woman (34F). The volume documents a pastoral visit realized on 06 Dec 1884 by Pedro, Bishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro. Canon Vicar João Aureliano Correia dos Santos and Father João Cordeiro da Cruz Saldanha signed all entries. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 97 numbered folios in good condition and a cover. Dimensions: 33cm X 22cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.