Casamentos de Livres, 1878-1884

This volume contains marriage records of free individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Niterói-RJ dating from 27 Jul 1878 through 24 Jul 1884. The opening and closing charters were signed by the Juiz da Provedoria, Luiz Pinto de Miranda. A second closing charter, signed by Cônego Antonio da Immaculada Conceição and dated 04 Jun 1878., is also included. Entries were signed by Cônego Antonio da Immaculada Conceição. There is a record of a pastoral visit on 06 Dez 1884 by Bishop Pedro of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro. The volume records the marriages of individuals from diverse locales, including:: Cantagallo, Guimarães, Porto, Campos, Petrópolis, Maricá, Maranhão, and Rio Bonito. Em muitos registros uma licença do "Juiz de orphãos" da cidade para a celebração do casamento. Nas folhas 09 consta o casamento do Primeiro Tenente da Armada Raymundo de Mello Furtado de Mendonça. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 101 numbered folios with a cover. Some folios are torn and others are loose. Dimensions: 45cm x 31cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.