Casamentos de Forros e Livres, 1872-1878

This volume contains marriage records of freed (forro) and free individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) of Niterói-RJ. Entries date from 10 Feb 1872 through 27 Jul 1878. The opening and closing charters were signed by municipal judge Luis Mattoso Duque Estrada da Camara, who also initialed the folios. The opening charter is dated 02 Dec 1871, while the closing charter is undated. Entries were signed by the following clergy: Coadjutor Antonio Gomes Xavier and Vicar cônego Antonio da Irmandade da Conceição. Among the betrothed were individuals abandoned in the Santa Casa de Misericórdia as children; Portuguese, Paraguayan, French, Irish, and one Swedish and Swiss individual, respectively (whose religions were listed as Calvinist and Lutheran and which apparently did not impede their marriage to a Catholic bride). The following individuals, among others, appeared in the volume: Lieutenant João Gonçalves da Silva, Lieutenant Cândido de Araújo Vianna, Doctor Lino Cassiano Jardim, Dom Antonio Ignacio da Silveira, Doctor Augusto Cesar de Andrade Duque Estrada, Major José Claro Ferreira da Silva, Lieutenant Antonio Serafim Oliveira Mello, Ensign José Eulalio da Cunha Martins, Doctor José Martins Rocha, Ensign Francisco Luis Barrandon, Bacherel Antonio Joaquim Ribeiro Junior, Doctor Phelippe Sampaio Corrêa, Ensign Pedro de Alcantara Cezar Burlamarque, Doctor Luiz Henrique Pereira de Campos, Major João Netto da Silva, Doctor Francisco Cassiano Ferreira Alves, Doctor Joaquim Pedro Villaça Junior (the son of the appelate judge (desembargador) by the same name), Doctor Paulo Cezar de Andrade, Doctor Luiz Francisco da Veiga, Doctor Francisco de Paula Fraga, Doctor Luis Alves Leite de Oliveira Bello, Doctor Joaquim José de Souza Breves Junior (son of the commander by the same name), Doctor Joaquim Carlos Travassos, Doctor Antonio Azdano Gonçalves de Almeida, Doctor Francisco Pires de Carvalho Aragão, Doctor João da Costa Lima e Castro, Colonel Augusto Francisco Caldas, Doctor Antonio Francisco da Costa Ramos, Doctor Candido Drumond Furtado de Mendonça, Doctor André Theodoro Trufevesson, and Eduardo Eugenio Guimarães Backer, brother of Alfredo Augusto Guimarães Backer (president of Brazil between 1906 and 1910). Witnesses include the Baron of Lagoa and the Baron of Cotegipe. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 102 numbered, sequential folios with a cover and original binding. The volume is in good condition. Dimensions: 50cm x 35cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.