Batismos de Escravos G, 1855-1867

This volume contains baptismal records of enslaved individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) of Niterói (Nictheroy) and covers the period between 24 May 1855 and 14 April 1867. The opening and closing charters are dated 31 January 1855 and were signed by the Municipal Judge and Provedor of Capellas and Residências Luiz de Hollanda Cavalcanti de Albuq. (Albuquerque). They note that the volume contains 154 numbered folios. The entries were signed by the following priests: Coadjutor Francisco Manoel D'Almeida (?) Guimarães, Vicar Thomaz de Aquino, Vicar Antonio de Mello Muniz Maia, Miguel Joaquim D'Araújo, and Coadjutor José Luiz de Almeida Martins. The following clergy are listed as celebrants: Vicar Eduardo Andrade Lima, Guilherme Teixeira do Castro, and Vicar Leandro José Rangel de Sampaio. Relatively few African ethnonyms are mentioned; those that appear include: Congo, Nagô, Cassange, Angola, Mina, Monjolo. Physical characteristics: The volume has 154 numbered folios. Manuscript pages have some annotations in pen; some of the folios are loose from the binding. Some folios show signs of ink damage. Dimensions: 30cm X 20cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.