Batismos de Escravos, 1867-1883

This volume contains baptismal records of enslaved individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) of Niterói (Nictheroy) and covers the period between 21 April 1867 and 01 October 1883. The opening charter was signed in 1868 by Father Josias (?) do Nascimento Silva and states that the volume has 101 folios for recording the baptism of enslaved people. The registers were signed by the following priests: Vicar Antonio de Mello Muniz Maia; Coadjutor Antônio Gomes Xavier (who, after 17 March 1872, began to sign the registeries as Vicar); Vicar Antônio (?) Conceição; Vicar Cônego Luis Raymundo da Silva Britto; and Father Thomaz de Aguiar. The Lei Áurea ("Golden Law") which freed Brazilian slaves is reproduced at the conclusion of the volume. African ethnonyms mentioned: Angola. Physical characteristics: The volume has 99 numbered folios. Manuscript pages have some annotations in pen. Some of the folios have come loose from the binding. Folios 49v through 99v are blank. Dimensions: 39cm x 26 cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.