Batismos e de Casamentos de Escravos, Forros e Livres, 1789-1868

This volume contains baptismal and marriage records of enslaved, freed (forro), and free people registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Niterói-RJ. Baptismal entries date from 28 May 1789 through 01 Dec 1831, while the marriage records date from 05 Apr 1818 to 01 Aug 1868. The opening and closing charters refer only to the baptismal records. The opening charter appears on folio 33, signed 25 May 1789, but the signature is illegible. The closing charter was isgned on 28 May 1789 by Father João Luis Vellozo. Entries were signed by the following clergy: Vicar José Joaquim de Avila, vigário colado Thomaz de Aquino, coadjutor Francisco Manoel d'Almeida Guimarães, vigário Antonio de Mello Muniz Maia, coadjutor João Rebello Mello de Abreo, José Justo Valente. African ethnonyms and "nations: mentioned: Angola, Benguela, Cabinda, Cassange, Congo, Mina, and Moçambique (Mozambique). Due to condition issues, it was not possible to photograph the following folios: 18v-20v; 59v- 63. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 318 bound, numbered, non-sequential folios. The folios are ridden with holes, torn, and were severely damaged by components of the ink used to produce the original. Dimensions: 33.5cm x 22.5cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.