"Salòng Chivon; Salòng Haksa Sin; Salòng Pha Phutthahup; Salòng Pong Sop (ສະຫຼອງຈີວອນ, ສະຫຼອງຮັກສາສິນ, ສະຫຼອງພະພຸດທະຮູບ, ສະຫຼອງປົງສົບ) (2004)"

This multiple-text manuscript in leporello format is written on with black ink on industrial, modern paper. It contains four Anisong texts. The front and back cover folios are embellished and bear the titles of the two texts. The texts deal with the anisong or advantages gained by offering priest's robes, keeping moralit, build a Buddha statue, and transferring merit to dead relatives by organizing their cremations. The front and back cover folios are embellished and bear the titles of the four texts. Date of original material: BE 2547; 2004. 25 folios.