"Salòng Kathin; Salòng Fang Tham; Salòng Buat; Salòng Sala (ສະຫຼອງກະຖິນ, ສະຫຼອງຟັງທຳ, ສະຫຼອງບວດ, ສະຫຼອງສາລາ)"

This multiple-text manuscript in leporello format is written with black ink on industrial, modern paper. It contains four Anisong texts. The first text is on the benefits derived from offering monks’ robes; the second one deals with benefits gained from listening to Dhamma chantings. The third text describes the advantages gained from sponsoring the ordination of monks and novices; and the last text pertains to the benefits of building a pavilion or Sala. The first two texts are followed by short colophons, appearing on pages 15 and 25 respectively. They provide the following (different) dates indicating the time when the sribe has finished the copying of the respective text. Colophon 1: “The writing was finished at 8 pm, on Tuesday, the seventh month of the year [AD] 2004” (= 13 July 2004). Colophon 2 (written in smaller size): “The writing was finished at 9 am (?), on 19.03. 2004”. It is interesting to note that, though the texts are all written in Tham-Lao script, the dating is according to the Western calendar, thus reflecting modern influences. Creator/Scribe: Thit Niao Manivong (from Ban Chum Khong, Luang Prabang). 29 folios.