"Salòng Maha Vetsantala Sadok; Salòng Sapphathan; Salòng Dòkmai Thup Thian; Salòng Khao Chi (ສະຫຼອງມະຫາເວດສັນຕະລະຊາດົກ, ສະຫຼອງສັບພະທານ, ສະຫຼອງດອກໄມ້ທູບທຽນ, ສະຫຼອງເຂົ້າຈີ່.) (2004)"

This multiple-text manuscript in leporello format is written with black ink on industrial, modern paper in Tham-Lao script. It contains four Anisong texts. The first text is about the benefits which are gained by listening to the chanting of the Vessantara Jataka, the second text describes the advantages derived from offering of all kind to monks. The third text deals with the benefits gained from offering flowers, incense sticks and candls in a temple; and the fourth text deals with the benefits gained from paying respects to the Sangha by offering bread. The three colophons stating when the first, third, and fourth texts were finished being written by the sribe provide all dates according to the Western (international) calendar combined with the traditional Lao reckoning of time. Colophon 1 (page 11): “18:30 h on 27.02.2004, on Friday, the eighth waxing day of the fourth month in BE 2547.” Colophon 3 (page 60): “22 h of the day 13.03.2004, on the eighth waning day of the third lunar month in BE 2547.” Colophon 4 (page 61, preceding the text): “12 h, on the first waxing day of the ninth lunar month of BE 2547.” Note: This last date corresponds to Monday, 16 August 2004. Date of original material: BE 2547; 2004 Creator/Scribe: Thit Niao Manivong (from Ban Chum Khong, Luang Prabang). 39 folios.