"Salòng Chivòn; Salòng Bong Sop or Salòng Phao Phi (ສະຫຼອງຈີວອນ, ສະຫຼອງປົງສົບ ຫຼື ເຜົາຜີ) (2004)"

This multiple-text manuscript in leporello format is written with black ink on industrial, modern paper in Tham-Lao script. It contains two Anisong texts. The first text is about the benefits derived from offering monk's robes (civara); the second text deals with the benefits gained from aranging cremation ceremonies (“burning the corpses). Both texts are followed by colophons (on pages 15 and 26 respectively). They provide dates according to the Western calendar. However, the second colophon mentions the Western dating along with the traditional Lao-Buddhist ways of dating. Colophon 1: “Writing finished at 14 h, on 04.03.[20]04”. Colophon 2: “Writing finished at 13 h. on 29 March [AD] 2004, on the ninth day of the waxing moon, in the fourth lunar month of the year [BE] 2547. Date of original material: BE 2547; 2004 Creator/Scribe: Thit Niao Manivong (from Ban Chum Khong, Luang Prabang). 15 folios.