Jujuy Varios IV [1920s-1960s]

Description: This is the fourth envelope in the collection that deals with the province of Jujuy. The Patronato de Leprosos (or Agency for Lepers) in Argentina was founded in 1930 following Law 11.359 that established the creation of shelters for lepers and their families. The Patronato was first founded in the capital city of Buenos Aires but had branches y several provinces such as Jujuy. In the city of Salvador de Jujuy there are many squares and green spaces because the city is enclosed by two rivesr, the river Grande and the river Xibi Xibi. The most famous is the now reserve of the Yungays-a local name for semi-tropical jungles--that grow in the outskirts of the city. Within it, there are the squares of San Martín, Belgrano, Los Inmigrantes, Hipólito Yrigoyen, and Italia, among others. Entre los parques y paseos se destacan el Parque San Martín, la Plaza Belgrano, la Plaza de los Inmigrantes, la Plaza Italia y la Plaza Hipólito Yrigoyen. Extent and format of original material: This envelope contains the 9 following sub-envelopes and subjects: Patronato de Leprosos (Agency for Lepers)-Petróleo (Oil)-Pintoresco (Picturesque)-Plazas (Squares)-Panorámico (Panoramic)-Nieve (Snow)-Puentes (Bridges)-Pueblos (Towns)-Policía (Police).