Jujuy Varios II Barrio [1920s-1960s]

Description: This is the second envelop that deals with Jujuy. It is a province that belongs to the Argentina’s Great North. The Eastern Mountain Range of the Andes, the puna, and the smaller mountains characterises the geography of an underdeveloped territory with high levels of poverty. The original people, in particular the omaguacas, rose in opposition to the Spanish invasion and started the Calchaquíes Wars. So as to stop them, the capital city of the province was founded with the name of San Salvador de Jujuy. The first envelop deal with many aspects of this city at the end of the 19th century and during the first half of the 20th century. In this envelope there is information on the parks and natural reserves of the capital city of Jujuy. It also contains information on the town hall that was founded in 1593 according to the Spaniards’ style, this is, the unison foundation of the town hall and the church around the main square. Extent and format of original material: This envelope contains 13 sub-envelopes with the following titles and subjects: Neighbourhood June 4, Calles y edificios (Streets and Buildings)-Cabildo (Town House)-Bosques (Forests)-Autoridades (Authorities)-Banderas (Flags)-Aduana (Customs)-Aeropuerto (Airport)-Biblioteca (Library)-Asilos, Colonias, Hogares (Asylums, Colonies, Homes)-Ancient Jujuy-Bancos (Banks)-Caja Provincial de Jubilaciones y Pensiones (Retirement andPension Provincial Fund).