José varios localidades (I) [1920s-1940s]

Description: This envelope is the first one on the localities of Argentina, in this case, the envelope contains information and materials on the localities of José Ingenieros and José León Suárez The former is situated in the North-West of the province of Buenos Aires. It used to be a country villa owned by Catalina V. de Valerga and Juan Cossicot who divided the land and sold the different fractions that became, mainly, orchards and milking yards. As in any town, the arrival of the train changed their reality; the train station was named Kilómetro 2. In the 1920s, In 1924, as the locality was close to the capital city, some of the landowners sold the land for the construction of country houses. José León Suárez was a locality with country villas that was founded in the early 1930s when the train arrived. The railway station was named Kilómetro 24; this means that the locality was 24 km from the National Congress. Extent and format of original material: Pthis envelope contains photos, and a telegram with the letterhead Hogar Obrero San Rafael, from the Talleres de Artes y Oficios Padre R. Weyand, José León Suárez. On this page handwritten with pencil we can read "telegram.".