Pinasco Varios [1920s-1960s]

Description: The Pinasco family was of Italian origin and arrived to Argentina before the European immigration of the second half of the 19th century. In this particular case, we can get a peak to the high society of Buenos Aires through Sara Carreras de Pinasco who married Santiago Pinasco Tiscornia. His father was Luis José Pinasco Castagnino who was born in Lavagne, Italy. Sara and Santiago had three children: Luis Bartolo, Santiago Felipe, and Sara Pinasco Carreras. Sara Carreras de Pinasco spent her social life sharing teas at Le Tourbillon with her friends while observing the most recent fashion by Bruyere and Molineux. The magazines Caras y Caretas and the company’s El Hogar used to cover the social activities of these ladies of the elite. Extent and format of original material: This envelope containis four envelopes titled "Pinasco, Sara Carreras de," Vicente, Luis, and Santiago. The material contained consists of newsapapers' and magazines' clippings, engravings, photos, and a bibliographic card of reference.