
ສອງຟັງທໍາ ໄດ້ ອານິສົງອັນເກີດຈາກການໄດ້ຟັງພະສູດມົນສາທະຍາຍທໍາ. ໃນສະໄໝໜຶ່ງ ພະຜູ້ມີພະພາກເຈົ້າປະທັບຢູ່ວັດເວລຸວັນ ເມືອງຣາຊະຄຶ ຊົງປາລົບເລື່ອງແມ່ໝູໂຕໜຶ່ງແກ່ພິກຂຸທັງຫຼາຍ ຈຶ່ງຕັດເທສະໜາທໍາດວງນີ້. ເຊົ້າວັນໜຶ່ງ ພະພຸດທະເຈົ້າ ພ້ອມດ້ວຍພິກຂຸທັງຫລາຍ ສະເດັດໄປບິນດະບາດໃນເມືອງຣາຊະຄຶ ພະພຸດທະອົງຊົງທອດພະເນດເຫັນແມ່ໝູໂຕໜຶ່ງ ຈຶ່ງໄດ້ຊົງຍິ້ມ ພະອານົນເຖລະ ຈຶ່ງທູນຖາມຫາສາເຫດທີ່ຊົງຍິ້ມນັ້ນ ພະພຸດທະອົງຈຶ່ງຊົງຕັດກັບພະອານົນວ່າ ເຫັນແມ່ໝູໂຕນັ້ນບໍ່ ເມື່ອພະອານົນຂາບທູນວ່າເຫັນ. ເມື່ອກັບມາເຖິງວັດ ພະພຸດທະເຈົ້າຈຶ່ງຕັດເລົ່າວ່າແມ່ໝູ ໂຕນັ້ນເຄີຍເກີດເປັນແມ່ໄກ່ໂຕໜຶ່ງ ອັນຢູ່ໃກ້ໂຮງສັນເຂົ້າຂອງພິກຂຸທັງຫລາຍ ຊຶ່ງຢູ່ໃນຍຸກຂອງພະພຸດທະເຈົ້າຊົງພະນາວ່າ ກະກຸສັນທະ ຕໍ່ມາແມ່ໄກ່ໄດ້ຟັງສຽງຂອງພິກຂຸທັງຫລາຍສາທະຍາຍທໍາຖືເອົາເປັນສຽງທໍາມະ. ຄັ້ນເມື່ອແມ່ໄກ່ໄດ້ຈຸຕິຕາຍໄປ ກໍ່ໄດ້ໄປເກີດເປັນທິດາຂອງພະຣາຊາອົງໜຶ່ງ ດໍາລົງຢູ່ໃນເມືອງມະນຸດ ຈົນໝົດອາຍຸໄຂແລະໄດ້ຈຸຕິຕາຍໄປເກີດເທິງສະຫວັນ ສະເຫວີຍທິບພະສົມບັດ. ຄໍາລົງທ້າຍ: ລານທີ່ ໑໐ ໜ້າ ໑: ພະພຸດທະສັງກາດ ໒໕໑໗ ປີຂານ ເດືອນ ໔ ແຮມ ໕ ຄໍ່າ ວັນອາທິດ ຍາມກອງງາຍ ໝາຍມີ ອົງສົມເດັດພະສັງຄະຣາດ ທໍາມະຍານະມະຫາເຖຣະ ວັດໃໝ່ ສຸວັນນະພູມມາຣາມ ຫລວງພະບາງ ໄດ້ມີໃຈໃສສັດທາສ້າງໜັງສືພະທໍາມະ ສະຫຼອງມັງຄະລະສູດ ຜູກນີ້ ໄວ້ບູຊາສືບພະພຸດທະສາສະໜາຕໍ່ເມື່ອເທົ້າ ໕ ພັນພະວັດສາ ຂໍໃຫ້ຜູ້ຂ້າໄດ້ດັ່ງຄໍາມັກແລະຄວາມປາດຖະໜາ ນັ້ນທຸກປະການແດ່ກໍ່ຂ້າເທີ້ນ ນິບພານະ ປັດຈະໂຍ ໂຫຕຸ ອະນະຄະເຕ ກາເລ ສາທຸ ສາທຸ (ອາຈານພັນ ຜົນພີບຸນ-ເທບພະອັກສອນ ໄດ້ຣິດຈະນາຂຽນຖວາຍຖືກຕ້ອງຕາມມູນເດີມແລ້ວ ຂໍໂມທະນາບຸນກຸສົນນໍາສັດທາສ້າງຂຽນເທີ້ນ ສາທຸ ສາທຸ).

Sòng fangtham means the merit gained by hearing the recitation of the Dhamma by monks. At one time, the Buddha was dwelling in the Veluvana monastery of Rajagaha spoke to his disciples about a pig and gave this sermon. In one morning, the Buddha along with his disciples was their alms round in Rajagaha. When the Buddha saw a pig, he smiled. Ananda Thera asked the Buddha about his smile. The Buddha said, Ananda, do you see the pig? Yes, I see, the Venerable replied. When returned monastery, the Buddha related the story of the pig. In the time of the Kakusanda, the pig was born as a hen near the refectory of the monks. Hearing the recitation of the Dhamma by the monks, the hen kept the voice as vision of the Dhamma. After death, it was reborn as the daughter of a king. After that life, she was reborn in a heaven enjoying the heavenly property. Colophon: Folio 9 on the recto side: Chunlasangkat (CS) 1292, a kot sanga year, the fifth day of the waxing moon of the nineth lunar month, the fourth day of the week (Wednesday), [the writing was accomplished] at the time of kòng ngai (between 7.30-9.00 o'clock). Samian (secretary) Phummi the oldest brother, along with Sao Onsi and Sao Ban, Ba Khamsuk who is the nephew and also the villagers of Ban Hualat jointly had the ardent religious faith to sponsor the making of theses manuscripts including one fascile of Sutmon nòi, one fascile of Mon kang, one fascile of Sutmon doek, one fascile of Akaravattasut, one fascile of Sunanthasut, one fascile of Nipphannasut, one fascile of Munlanipphan, one fascile of Sap sai, one fascile of Mangala, one fascile of Sòng sappha than, one fascile of Sòng sappha thung, one fascile of Sòng fang tham, one fascile of Samat songsan, one fascile of Suvanna tao kham, one fascile of Unhatsavisai, in a total of 15 fascicles in order to donate them to the Pitaka hall of Vat Pa Fang, Luang Prabang and to support the Teachings of the Buddha. May the results of this merit to support Sao Thongdi who is our mother already died. Even if she has been stuck in a place of suffering, may she be moved to a good place.

Extent: 1 palm-leaf manuscript containing 12 leaves.

Size and dimensions of original material: Hight 4.6 cm, width 57 cm, depth 0.5 cm.

Condition of original material: Good.

Alternative calendar and date: Lao, CS 1292, a kot sa nga year

Author(s)/Creator(s): Unidentified.

Scribe(s): Unidentified.

Original institution reference: Manuscript Box no. 6.