
ອານິສົງທີ່ເກີດຈາກການຟັງທໍາ. ໃນສະໄໝໜຶ່ງ ພະພຸດທະເຈົ້າຊົງປະທັບຢູ່ວັດເຊຕະວັນ ເມືອງສາວັດຖີ ຊົງຕັດເທສະໜາແກ່ພິກຂຸທັງຫລາຍ ເລື່ອງອານິສົງຂອງການຟັງທໍາແລະໄດ້ຍົກອະດິຕະນິທານມາສະແດງ. ມີຊາຍຜູ້ໜຶ່ງໄດ້ເຂົ້າມາສູ່ວິຫານແລະໄດ້ຟັງພະທໍາມະເທດສະໜາຈາກດ້ວຍຄວາມຕັ້ງໃຈ, ໃນຂະນະຟັງທໍາຈິດໃຈຂອງເຂົາກໍ່ເກີດຄວາມປິຕິ. ເມື່ອໄດ້ຟັງພະທໍາມະເທດສະໜາຈົບແລ້ວ ຊາຍຜູ້ນັ້ນກໍ່ໄດ້ກັບເມື່ອສູ່ເຮືອນຂອງຕົນ. ເຂົາໄດ້ລະນຶຄຶດເຖິງພະພຸດ ພະທໍາແລະພະສົງຢູ່ເປັນນິດ. ເມື່ອສິ້ນອາຍຸໄຂແລ້ວ ດ້ວຍອານິສົງແຫ່ງການຟັງທໍາແລະການລະນຶກເຖິງຄຸນຂອງພະລັດຕະນະໄຕ ຊາຍຜູ້ນັ້ນໄດ້ໄປເກີດເທິງສະຫວັນຊັ້ນດຸສິດ. ຄໍາລົງທ້າຍ: ລານທີ ໙ ໜ້າ ໑: ສັງກາດຣາຊະ ໑໒໔໗ ຕົວ ປີຮັບເຮົ້າ ເດືອນ ໗ ຂຶ້ນ ໓ ຄໍ່າ ວັນ ໑ ຣິດຈະນາແລ້ວຍາມແຖ່ ໝາຍມີ ນາຍທ້າວສຸວັນ ມີໃຈໃສສັດທາໄດ້ສ້າງ ປິຕະກະທໍາມະເທດສະໜາ ໄວ້ກັບສາສະໜາ ພະພຸດທະເຈົ້າ ຕາບຕໍ່ເທົ້າ ໕ ພັນພະວັດສາ ຂໍໃຫ້ຜູ້ຂ້າໄດ້ດັ່ງຄໍາມັກຄໍາປາດຖະໜາ ຂໍໃຫ້ຜະລະອານິສົງສະນະບຸນອັນນີ້ໄປຮອດພໍ່ແມ່ຜູ້ຂ້າອັນຈຸດຕິໄປສູ່ບໍຣະໂລກພາຍໜ້າພຸ້ນກໍ່ຂ້າເທີ້ນ.

The rewards derived from listening to the Dhamma. On one occasion, the Buddha was present at the Jetavana monastery in Savatthi gave a sermon to his disciples and talked about a previous story. A man entered the temple and listened intently to the sermon. While listening, his mind was filled with joy. After listening to the sermon, the man went back to his house. He remembered the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. At the end of his life, with the merit of listening to the Dhamma and remembering the virtues of the Triple Gem, that man was born in the heaven of Tusita. Colophon: Folio 9 on the recto side: Sangkatrasa (CS) 1247, a hap hao year, on the third day of the waxing moon of the seventh lunar month, the first day of the week (Sunday), the writing was accomplished at the time of thae. Nai Thao (Mr) Suvan had the religious faith to sponsor the making of this manuscript entitled Pitaka Thammathesana (Pitaka Dhammadesana) to support the Teachings of the Buddha to last until the end of 5000 years. May all my wishes and desires come true. May the results of this merit support my parent who already died to the other world.

Extent: 1 palm-leaf manuscript containing 10 leaves.

Size and dimensions of original material: Hight 4.9 cm, width 56.5 cm, depth 0.4 cm.

Condition of original material: Fragile.

Alternative calendar and date: Lao, CS 1247, a hap hao year

Author(s)/Creator(s): Unidentified.

Scribe(s): Unidentified.

Original institution reference: Manuscript Cabinet No.01.