Casamentos de Forros, Livres e Índios, 1867-1879

The volume contains marriage records of freed (forro), free, and indigenous people registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora da Assunção de Cabo Frio, RJ between 09 Sep 1867 and 27 Sep 1879. Juiz Provedor Constantino José Gonçalves signed the opening and closing charters on 31 Mar 1867; parish priest José Francisco Marques signed all entries. Marriages recorded in this volume were celebrated in São Pedro da Aldeia, Sacra Família da Barra de São João, the chapel of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios de Arraial, the Chapel of Santo Ignacio da Fazenda de Campos Novos, the Chapel of Santa Anna da Armação de Búzioa, S. Vicente de Paulo and S. Sebastião de Araruama, and various oratories on area agricultural properties. The social status (freed, free, Indian, white) and color of the bride and groom appear in the margin. The volume also records marriages of individuals abandoned in the House of Charity (Expostos da Casa de Caridade) and the children of slaves. Physical characteristics: The volume is comprised of 98 numbered folios in good condition overall and a cover. Some of the folios have holes in them. Dimensions: 40.5cm X 27cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.