Óbitos, 1871-1891

The volume contains burial records of children born to enslaved mothers after the passage of Law 2040/1871, the "Free Womb" Law, and registered in the Church of São Pedro da Aldeia, São Pedro da Aldeia-RJ. Entries date from 04 Oct 1871 to 26 Mar 1891. The opening and closing charters were signed by the supreme official of the Secretary of the Government of the Province of Rio de Janeiro, Antonio André, on 01 May 1872. Entries were signed by Vicar Manoel Martins Teixeira. On folio 138v, there is a reference to the signing of the Golden Law (Lei Áurea) that ended slavery in Brazil. Burial records dating after 07 Aug 1890 appear beginning on folio 139 and include records of indigenous and white people as well as people of African descent (pardo and preto). Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 169 numbered folios that have come loose from the binding. It does not have a cover. Dimensions: 32cm X 21cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.