Batismos de Livres, 1884-1888

This volume contains baptisms of children born to enslaved mothers after the passage of Law 2040/1871, the "Free Womb" Law, and registerd in the Church of São Pedro da Aldeia, São Pedro da Aldeia-RJ. Entries date from 21 Sep 1884 to 08 Apr 1888. The opening and closing charters were signed by the chief of ? of the Secretary of the Government of the Province of Rio de Janeiro, Aureliano Barbosa, on 22 February 1884. Entries were signed by Vicar Manoel Martins Teixeira. Entries on folios 21v and 22v note that the child will be under the tutelage of a master until attaining a certain age and were signed by the vicar and witneses. On folio 39v, the signing of the Golden Law, which ended slavery in Brazil, is mentioned. The numeration of the folios jumps from 39 to 189 and continues until folio 199. Physical characteristics: This incomplete volume consists of 199 numbered folios. It has no cover; the folios have come loose from the original binding. Dimensions: 32cm X 22cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.