Batismos de Livres, 1882-1884

This volume contains baptismal records of free people and children born to freed and enslaved people after the passage of Law 2040/1871, the "Free Womb" Law, and registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Niterói (Nictheroy). Entries date from 04 May 1882 through 21 Mar 1884. The opening charter was signed in Rio de Janeiro on 01 May 1882 by an individual with an illegible name; the closing charter was also signed in Rio de Janeiro on the same date by the vigário cônego Antonio da Irmandade da Conceição. Entries were signed by the following clergy: Vicar Manoel Correia de Figueira, vigário cônego Luis Raymundo da Silva Britto e vigário cônego João Aureliano Correia dos Santos. Throughout the book, references to kinship and godparentage links between doctors, coronals, lieutenants, captains, and commanders are mentioned. Among the children born to enslaved mothers after the passage of the Free Womb Law are enslaved women belonging to: Doutor Luis Antonio de Miranda Freitas; Doutor Jeronimo Maximo Nogueira (?); Barão do Rio Bonito; Doutor José de Sá Carvalho; Comendador Joaquim José Rodrigues Guimarães; Doutor José Martins Breha (?); Comendador Joaquim José de Souza Breves; Conselheiro Doutor Custodio Marcelino de Magalhães; Comendador Clemete José de Gois Vianna; Senador Filipe Franco de Sá (Senador representing Maranhão, acting between 1882 and 1889. In addition to serving as senator, he was Minister of Foreign Relations of Brazil in 1882, Minister of War in 1884, and Minister of Imperial Business (Ministro dos Negócios do Imperío) in 1884); Capitão Ingéro Elias Guimarães; Coronel Carlos de Sá Carvalho, and Doutor Francisco Carneiro de Campos. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 99 numbered, sequential, bound folios. Dimensions: 45cmx28.5cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.