Óbitos de Forros e Livres, 1871-1885

The volume records burials of freed (forro) and free individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista, Itaboraí-RJ, between 15 Dec 1871 and 08 Mar 1885. Municipal Judge Jeronimo (?) D'Almeida signed the opening and closing charters on 24 Jan 1872. Coadjutor Bernardo Cardoso de Araujo and Vicar Joaquim Mariano de Castro Araujo signed each entry. Some of the entries note the cause of death, including fever, anemia, inflammation of the liver, hydropsy, whooping cough, childbirth, opulação, pneumonia, inflammation, Em alguns registros constam "Causa Mortis", dentre elas: pneumonia, inflamação, anemia, febre, and blood fatigue ('caimbra de sangue'.) Some of the entries note the color of the cloth used to wrap the deceased. Among others, the volume records the burials of individuals abandoned in the Santa Casa de Misericórdia and their number. The volume also documents a pastoral visit realized by Francisco, Bishop of Nictheroy, on 12 Jul 1894. Burials took place in the catacombs "of the factory," "of the town hall," and the Coutinho Family Cemetery (cemitério dos Coutinho). Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 197 numbered, sequential folios and a cover. The folios are in good condition overall, but have some holes caused by insects. Dimensions: 46cm x 33cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.