Óbitos de Forros e Livres, 1879-1885

The volume contains burial records of freed (Forro) and free individuals registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Rio Bonito and dating from 16 Jul 1879 through 8 Dec 1885. The opening and closing charters were signed by João José de Andrade Bastos in Rio B on 11 Jul 1879 in Rio Bonito; he also enumerated the folios of the volume. All entries were signed by Vicar Virtulino Bezerra Cavalcante. The volume records burials of children (inocentes), abandoned children (expostos), Portuguese individuals, and one French person. Africans whose "nation"/ethnonym is recorded as Congo, Kasanze (Cassange), and Cabinda are among the free people of color whose burials are recorded in the volume. Among the freed people whose burial is recorded are: a freed woman (forra) aggregated to the Rio Seco plantation (fazenda) of Commandor Camillo de Souza Couto; a freed woman (forra) whose mother was a slave of Colonel Carlos José Marinho; and a "freed black woman" ("preta liberta") who was a slave of the descendants of Captain Manoel Pereira dos Santos Silva. The following free burials, among others, are included in the volume: Ensign (Alferes) Francisco de Assis Moreira; Ensign José Alves Campos, Father Bernardo Antonio Lima de Velasco; Captain Francisco de Paula Corrêa de Sá; Captain Alexandre Pereira de Mendonça; Lieutenant José da Costa Marcello; Doctor José Antonio de Mattos e Silva; and Captain Quirino José da Fonseca. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 98 numbered, sequential folios that have come loose from their original binding. There are some small holes from insect damage; the volume is missing a cover. Dimensions: 31cm x 22cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.