Óbitos de Forros e Livres, 1827-1836

The volume contains burial records of freed (forro) and free individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista, Itaboraí-RJ, between 05 Nov 1827 and 29 Nov 1836. J. Caetano Ferreira Aguiar signed the opening charter on 17 Jan 1827, while Father Jose Gregorio de Carvalho signed the closing charter on 06 Nov 1828 and initialed each folio in the volume. The volume records, among others, the burials of children (inocentes), abandoned individuals, Captain Alexandre Alves de Azevedo, Lieutenant Manoel Fidelis Roiz de Figueiredo, Ensign Jose Roiz da Costa, Brigadier Jacinto de Mello Palhares, Ensign Jose Joaquim Quintanilha, Father Jose Pinto da Silva Borges, Major João Alvares de Azevedo, Ensign Joze Luiz Vieira dos Santos, Captain Joze Maurício de Abreu Rangel, Colonel Bernardino Joze Antunes, Ensign Francisco Joze da Costa Guimarães, Captain Manoel Joaquim de Mendonça, Father Luiz Antonio Ferreira Menezes Drumond, Ensign Claudio Nunes da Roza, Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Rodrigues de Figueiredo, Ensign Antonio Joaquim de Marins Coutinho, Captain João Manuel de Azeredo Coutinho, Major João Maria de Campos, Ensign João Freire de Azevedo Coutinho, Lieutenant Colonel Luis Manoel Pereira, Reverend João Gonçalves de Carvalho, and Reverend Francisco da Costa Cardozo. In addition to burials, the volume also includes some testaments that refer to enslaved people and, in some cases, provide for their manumission after the death of their owner. T. Physical characteristics: The volume is comprised of 140 numbered, sequential folios without a cover and in good reading condition. The numeration jumps from folio 82 to folio 84 and two consecutive folios were numbered "126." Dimensions: 38cm X 24cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.