Batismos, Casamentos e Óbitos de Escravos e Livres, 1647-1721

The volume records baptisms, marriages, and burials of enslaved and free people registered in the Church of São Gonçalo do Amarante, dating from 16 Dec 1647 to 26 Jun 1721. Folios 02 through 69 verso contain marriage records; folios 70 through 137 contain burial records and testaments; and folios 138 through 204 contain slave baptismal records, while folios 205 through 222 contain free baptismal records. There are no opening or closing charters. The following clergy signed the entries: Antonio da Rocha, Lourenço Carvalho de Araújo, Gregório (?) de Mello, Coadjutor Gonçalo Correa de Faria, Ignacio Reis de Figueiredo, João Alvares Maciel, João Reis Pereira, João de Bastos, and Manoel Antunes (?). Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 222 numberd folios. Folio 95 is missing. The volume is damaged and has come loose from the binding. Dimensions: 22cm x 32cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.