Batismos, Casamentos e Óbitos de Escravos e Livres, 1682-1701

This volume contains baptismal, marriage, and burial records of enslaved and free people registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Niterói and covers the period from 28 Oct 1682 to 18 Jul 1701. There are no opening or closing charters. Entries were signed by the following clergy: Lourenço Carneiro de Araujo; Father João Alvares Maciel; Father Miguel Luis Freire; Father João Rangel de Macedo. The volume records three pastoral visits: two signed by Manoel da Costa Cordeyros (the first on 17 Sep 1691 and the second on 03 Nov 1701. The third was signed by João (?) Carvalho on 10 Sep 1688. The volume is divided into sections for "whites" and "blacks" (pretos), with "White Baptisms" recorded on fls. 1-34, "Black Baptisms" on fls. 66-104v; "White Marriages" fls. 105-113v; "Black Marriages" 127-132v. "Free Burials" comprise the remainder of the volume. A number of individuals are described as "gentios de Guiné.". Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 141 numbered folios with a cover. It has been restored and has some holes from insect damage. The following folios are blank: 38v - 66; 123 - 126v. Dimensions: 31cm x 21.5cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.