Casamentos e Óbitos de Escravos e Livres, 1684-1725

The volume records marriages and burials of enslaved and free individuals registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora do Amparo de Maricá, Maricá-RJ. Entries date from 25 Jan 1684 to 03 Dec 1725. There are no opening or closing charters. The volume has records of two pastoral visits: one by Manoel da Costa which took place on 20 Oct 1701 and another by Joseph de Alvares on 27 Jul 1699. The following clergy signed the entries: Manoel Carneyro, Felix de Jesus, Francisco da Purificação, Manoel Pacheco, and Ignacio de Aguiar. Physical characteristics: The volume has a cover; its folios have been damaged by ink and insects. Dimensions: 37cm x 27cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.