Batismos de Escravos, 1828-1835

The volume records baptisms of enslaved people registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, Saquarema-RJ. Entries date from 26 May 1828 to 09 Aug 1835. The opening charter was signed on 30 Dec 1826 by José Caetano Ferreira de Aguiar; there is no closing charter. There are entries in which the father of the individual baptized is free (forro), while the mother is enslaved, and others in which the godparents are freed individuals (forros). A burial record of a free person appears on folio 80f. There are some records of adult baptisms. African ethnonyms/nations mentioned: Angola, Mossambique (Moçambique), Cabinda, Congo, Monjolo, Benguela, Rebola, and Luanda. The following clergy signed the entries: Joze Pinto Pinheiro, João Garcia, Joze de Sant'Anna Costa Oliveira, and Antoio Joaquim de Freitas. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 81 numbered folios that have been slightly damaged by insects. It has no cover. Dimensions: 32cm x 21cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.