Óbitos de Forros e Livres, 1874-1881

The volume contains burial records of freed (forro) and free individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) de Niterói (Nictheroy) between 30 Dec 1874 and 25 Jul 1881. It has no opening or closing charter; Canon Vicar Antonio da Immaculada Conceição signed each entry. The volume documents burials in the Cemetery of São Francisco de Paula "na Côrte"; the Maruhy Cemetery; and the Cemetery of S. Francisco Xavier "na Côrte". Among others, the volume contains burial records of free Africans (africanos livres); Portuguese, German, and Italian individuals; sharecroppers ("agregados"); individuals abandoned in the Santa Casa de Misericórdia and deceased in the Hospital de São João Batista; and soldiers and sargeants of the "Police Corps of this City." African ethnonyms/"nations" mentioned: Mina. Folios 108 and 17, respectively, document the burials of Brigadiers Joaquim Rodrigues Coelho Helby and Pedro Pinto de Araujo Corrêa. Physical characteristics: The volume consists of 200 numbered folios in good condition and a cover. Dimensions: 33cm X 22cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.