Письмо Иосифа Александровича Скобелкина (?) (1902 – 1944) родителям, братьям и сёстрам о разделе дома и нахождении в доме отдыха

Graphite pencil on paper, manuscript. Notebook paper "checkered" The text is written in pencil on both sides of the sheet. The author informs Mote (Matryona Aleksandrovna Skobelkina (1900 - 03/11/1983) about the need to draw up an act on the division of the house, describes the stay in a rest house, provides household details of life. Dated February 19, Year not specified ...

Extent: 1 sheet.

Size and dimensions of original material: 21,0 х 17,0.

Condition of original material: On the left edge are two holes from the hole punch. Traces of paper fold eight times. The right edge is unevenly torn off. On the back in the lower right corner are brown water traces.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Joseph Alexandrovich Skobelkin (?) (1903 – 1943).

Scribe(s): Joseph Alexandrovich Skobelkin (?) (1903 – 1943).

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-34/20/74.