Письмо Иосифа Александровича Скобелкина (?) (1902 – 11.05.1944) родителям, братьям и сёстрам с мнением о претензии на часть дома

Graphite pencil on paper, manuscript. The paper is loose. The text on both sides of the sheet. The author announces his refusal to write to brother Nikolai about the claim for a part of the house; communicates household details of his life. Dated February 4. Year not specified.

Extent: 1 sheet.

Size and dimensions of original material: 30,5 х 21,3.

Condition of original material: on the left edge there are two holes from the hole punch, traces from the fold of the sheet eight times. Numerous gaps and bends along the bottom and right edges of the sheet.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Joseph Alexandrovich Skobelkin (?) (1903 – 1943).

Scribe(s): Joseph Alexandrovich Skobelkin (?) (1903 – 1943).

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-34/20/73.