Расчетная книжка Космынинской торфоразработки № 346 на имя паровщика Осипа (Иосифа) Александровича Скобелкина (1902 — 1944)

Paper, ink, typographic printing, manuscript. Spine on two metal clips. On the cover page personal data O.A. Skobelkin. Pagination arabic (2-33). On sheet 1 "Terms of employment." On sheet 2. below illegible inscriptions of the employer and the person who has hired; round blue print with illegible, blurry text, in ll. 3 about - 6 completed settlement sheets.

Extent: 17 sheets, soft cover.

Size and dimensions of original material: 14,5 х 10,0.

Condition of original material: The bottom cover is lost. The top cover is torn off. On the left edge are two round holes from the hole punch on all sheets. The corners are bent, dented. Small breaks in from the right edge of the sheet.

Former external reference: КМЗ ВХ-34/20/16.