வர்ம நூல்

Title in original script: வர்ம நூல் The manuscript is composed of a text containing 25 palm leaves numbered between 6 and 55. It is in good condition but many leaves are extremely darkened by fungus infestation. The text, entitled Varma Nūl, is written in verses. As indicated by its title, it deals with the practice of varmam for which for which it describes the type of mild pressure (kālam) to apply on vital spots (varmam) to treat injuries: kompēri kālam, cevikuṟṟi kālam, enti kālam, caṅku tiri kālam, tutikkai kālam, corṇa kālam and kavaḷi kālam. It explains the method to relax vital spots by massage (taṭavu). It provides the formulation of a medicated oil (tailam) called Kōḻi tailam used to treat injured varmaṅkaḷ. Size of the manuscript: 17.0cm x 3.0cm. The palm leaves are numbred from 6 to 55 in Tamil and Arab; the leaves 7 to 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29 to 35, 38 and 53 are missing. The manuscript is in good condition; the leaves are darkened by fungus infestation.