தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்) The manuscript is composed of a text of 11 palm leaves numbered from 2 to 13; the leaves 6 and 10 are missing. It is in good condition despite the leaves are darkened by fungus infestation. The text, written in verses, describes the preparation of Kantaka paṟpam, Raca kaṟpūra paṟpam and Vīra paṟpam, Liṅka kaṭṭu and Tāḷaka kaṭṭu, as well as medicines (maruntu; not named) for treating urinary tract infections (mēkam) and anaemic conditions (pāṇṭu) caused by imbalance of pitta. Size of the manuscript: 17.9cm x 2.6cm. The palm leaves are numbred from 2 to 12 in Tamil and Arab; the leaves 6 and 10 are missing. There are two leaves placed at the beginning of the text and the end of the manuscript. The manuscript is in good condition despite the leaves are darkened by fungus infestation.