தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்) The manuscript is made up of a text containing and palm leaves numbered from 3 to 31 and a leaf with a note; the leaf n°7 is missing. The manuscript is in average condition. Till the leaf n°15, a part of the text on leaves has been damaged by mould and fungus; the two last leaves have been also very affected. The text, written in both prose and in verses, presents the preparation of Pāla kriṣṇāti kuḷikai, and of diverse internal products such a medicated oil (tailam) to apply on the tongue to treat fluid accumulated in the abdomen (nīr kompu) and a waxy medicine (kuḻampu) used to treat diarrhoea (pēti), and some external treatments such as a taḷam (medicinal paste applied on the shaved head) for treating exanthematous fever (vaicūri), a tappaḷam (smearing oil) for treating delirium (caṉṉi), a medicated pouch (kiḻi) for treating fever (avati curam) and a black paste used as a eye liner (añcaṉam). Size of the manuscript: 22.7cm x 2.7cm. The palm leaves are numbred from 3 to 31 in Arab and from 13 to 31 in both Tamil and Arab; leaf n°7 is missing. The manuscript has an addtional leaf with a note placed at the end of the text. It is in extremely bad condition condition. Till the leaf n°13, a part of leaves is missing and till the leaf n°15, parts of text have been destroyed by mould.