Loan deed between Aiṭan Jaibhadra Thāpāmagar and Lephṭen Karṇel Varphānsiṃha Vasnyāt Kṣatri

Jaibhadra takes loan of Moharu 25 for expenses during his stay in Nepal (Valley) 'while fighting a homicide lawsuit against the Jumlis'. Agrees to pay back the loan with 10 per cent interest within agreed period.

Owner(s) of original material: Rita Rajbhandari, Rina Rajbhandari.

Author(s) of original material: Aiṭan JaiBhādra Thāpā Magar, Lephṭen Karṇel Varphānsiṃha Vasnyāt Kṣatri.

Alternative calendar and dates: Vikram; 1936 Maṃśir Śukla 10.

Physical characteristics: Nepali paper, rolled; 1 folio, 14.5 cm X 17.5 cm; 1 folio.

Reference for the physical file at the Tīrthalāl Naghabhanī Archive: 158.