Loan deed between Havaldār Virāj Bhaḍāri KṢatrī and Subhādra Bhaḍāri

Subhādra agrees that of the loan he had taken from Virāj in year (19)35 VS, he will pay back the remaining amount of Moharu 2 in paddy in Kārtik, (19)36. Vahidār Jitmān is the guarantor for the paddy payment.

Owner(s) of original material: Rita Rajbhandari, Rina Rajbhandari.

Author(s) of original material: Havaldār ViRāj Bhaḍāri Kṣatri, SuBhādra Bhaḍāri.

Scribe of original material: Vahidār Prabhūnārān.

Alternative calendar and dates: Vikram; 1936 Āṣāḍh Kṛṣṇa 30.

Physical characteristics: Nepali Paper; 1 folio, 20 cm X 16 cm.

Reference for the physical file at the Tīrthalāl Naghabhanī Archive: 159.