Notarial Records: City of Parahyba, 1840-1842

Manuscript documentation bound in a single volume. The volume registers mortgage deeds, sales, donations, and letters of manumission recorded between 1841 and 1846. Includes special mortgage deed made by José Cláudio Serrão to Luiz da Silva Batista for a mulatto slave; mortgage deed made by Joaquim de Azevedo Pereira Maia and his wife, Dona Silvana Monteira Lima, to captain Joaquim Moreira Lima, for houses and two slaves; deed of sale of two straw-thatched houses sold by João da Silva Machado to Joaquim de Azevedo Pereira Maia; writ of rescission of sale made by Carlos Holmes and Francisco Xavier de Abreu; deed of donation of a house; and letters of manumission of enslaved men, women, and children owned by Antonio Vidal da Silva, Antonio Moreira de Almeida Leal and Lourença Izabel Xavier de Miranda Henriques, Francico Porfirio de Chaves, Dona Joaquina Francisca Marques, and others. Recorded in the city of Paraíba by notary public Joaquim Rodrigues Segismundo.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 153 folios, in addition to front and back covers. Book with original hardcover, in a regular state of conservation. Folios present som damage by iron gall ink. Book numerated through folio 146.

Creator (Author): Notary public Joaquim Rodrigues Segismundo.