Notarial Records: City of Souza 1857

Bound manuscript volume. The volume registers deeds of sale, donations, contracts, and letters of manumission recorded between 1857 and 1858. Records deed of sale (escritura de venda) for land in the data de Timbaúba, in the Rio Piranhas, sold by captain Christovão de Sousa Rabello and his wife, Dona Custodia Francisca de Sá; the deed of sale of a house and slaves; agreement and contract between Dona Anna Candida de Jesus and her children; donation of a slave by Dona Anna Alcantara de Jesus and her niece, Rita Maria de Jesus; and letters of manumission for enslaved men, women and children owned by Father Teles Vieira da Silva, Dona Maria da Penha Ferreira and Manoel Duarte Rapozo, Antonio Paiz Barreto, lieutenant coronel Francisco Antonio Correa de Sá, Dona Rosa Urçulina da Motta Seixas, major Bento Correa de Sá, and others. Recorded in Vila de Sousa by notary public Domiciano de Souza Videres.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 61 folios, in addition to front and back covers. Book without cover, badly damaged by iron gall ink and tearing.

Creator (Author): Notary public Domiciano de Souza Videres.