Notarial Records: City of Paraíba 1856-1861

Bound manuscript volume. The volume registers mortgage deeds, exchanges, sales, donations, and letters of manumission drawn up between 1856 and 1861. Contains deed from a mortgage taken out by Antonio Galdino Alves da Silva, resident of the sugar-producing estate (engenho) Santa Anna, on the outskirts (termo) of Pilar, to João José de Medeiros Correia, resident of the city of Paraíba, of five slaves; exchange made between Father João do Rego Moura and Manoel Barroso Alves of a house for a slave; deed of sale of a slave; donation of the farm (sítio) Cruz do Peixe and a slave; letters of manumission of enslaved men, women, and children owned by Dona Ana Maria da Conceição, Manoel José de Albuquerque, Felizardo Toscano de Brito and his wife, Dona Eugênia Aciole do Rego Brito, Maria Cavalcante de Albuquerque, Brother (frei) José da Exaltação Marques of the monestary of São Bento de Monte Serrat, Rita Maria da Conceição Bastos of the engenho Oiteiro in São Miguel de Taipu, Bento Luiz da Gama Maya, Carlos Holmes (English businessman), and others. Recorded in the city of Paraíba by notary public José Jeronimo Rodrigues Chaves.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 182 folios, in addition to front and back covers. Book with original hardcover, damaged by iron gall ink, and tearing. Book is numerated through folio188.

Creator (Author): Notary public José Jeronimo Rodrigues Chaves.