Paraíba's Provincial Treasury: Inspection Records, 1875

The book contains register of informations relating to Paraíba's Provincial Treasury from 1875. It includes: register of payments for cleaning services; payment for construction materials for the Church (Igreja Matriz); payment for prisoners' rations; payment to contstruction workers employed in roof works at a school at street Marquez do Herval; payment to second class conductor for pavement services at street Visconde de Pelotas; expenditure report for repair works in the Independência district's prison's cells; paid vacations; among others.

Created by the Provincial Treasury.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 138 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript book with original hardcover. Damaged by insects, acid paper, and iron gall ink. Numerated through folio 138.

Creator (Author): Antonio Soares de Pinho, chefe do Tesouro.