Letters of Paraíba's Provincial Treasury, 1866-1868

The book contains letters of Paraíba's Provincial Treasury from 1866 to 1868. It includes: the Provincial Treasury's records of revenue and expenditure; Treasury Inspector's sworn into office; First Clerk of the Consulate of the capital's return; Contract with Civil Engineer for construction of a road linking the capital to the town of Cruz do Espírito Santo, and an iron bridge over the Paraíba River; request for a construction of a dam in the city of Pedra Lavrada; supply of six swords to the privates of the provisional police force; payment for the detachment of seven National Guard privates stationed in Gurinhem district; time sheet of the Provincial Consulate employees; Theodore Machado Freire Pereira da Silva sworn in as President of the Province; among others.

Created by the Provincial Treasury.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 150 folios, in addition to front and back cover. Manuscript book with original hardcover. Damaged by insects, acid paper, and iron gall ink. Numerated through folio 148.

Creator (Author): Manoel Odorico Cavalcanti D’Albuquerque, Oficial da Secretaria, e Felizardo Toscano de Brito, vice-presidente da Província.