Notarial Records: Cidade de Souza 1856

Bound manuscript volume. The volume registers deeds of sale, donations, wills, and letters of manumission recorded in 1856. Contains quitação of mortage taken out by Antonio Alves de Nóbrega Junior; deeds of sale of land sold by Jose Antonio Maia and others; deed of donation of a half league of land in Santa Catarina donated by Francisco Antonio Barretto de Sá and his goddaughter, Maria Theodora de Barros Barretto; will of Reverend José Gonçalves Dantas; and letters of manumission of enslaved men, women, and children owned by Dona Anna Maria da Conceição, Dona Mariana Gonçalves Dantas, Bernardino Jozé da Costa, Dona Anna Felicia de Sá, lieutenant Francisco Antonio Correia de Sá, coronel Jozé Ferreira da Nobriga, Father Ignacio de Souza Rolim, José Dantas Rothea Dutra, and others. Registered in Vila Nova de Sousa by notary public Domiciano de Souza Videres.

Extent and format of original material: 1 volume of 56 folios, in addition to front and back covers. Book with original hardcover, severely damaged by water, iron gall ink, and tearing. Book is numerated through folio 54.

Creator (Author): Notary public Domiciano de Sousa Videres.