Book 3 (formerly book 15) (1876-1909) / Livro 3 (EX 15) De 1876 a 1909

This volume contains death records from 1876 to 1909 of free and enslaved men, women, adolescents, newborns, and children. Some of the deceaased were had been registered as legitimate at birth, others illegitimate. The deceased were described as white, black, and "parda" and hailed from the parish of Nossa Senhora dos Milagres and elsewhere. Some were buried in black and white habits, with or without Church sacrament. Burials took place at the main church, Capela do Jericó, Fazenda Pau-Apique, Cemitério de Carauba, Cemitério da Vila de Cabaceiras, Cemitério das Pombas, Cemitério do Batalhão, Cemitério de Timbauba, Cemitério de S. José, Cemitério de Serra Branca, Cemitério de Soledade, and elsewhere. Sacraments were administered by Vicar Joze de Souza Magalhães, Vicar Francisco Ananias de Farias Castro, Vicar Alipio Emiliano Cordeiro da Costa, Vicar Manoel Christovam Ribeiro Ventura and by Friar Henrique Fernandes D'Oliveira.

Extent and format of original material: 1 handwritten volume with 105 folios, including cover and inside cover. Bound, damaged volume of handwritten records. Pages are numbered through folio 105. Folios 37 and 38 are missing. Folio 61 is not numbered.